Children Charity Zimbabwe

Supporting Children with the Transition from Nursery to School


The move from nursery to school can be a big transition for your child, with lots of new and exciting opportunities and experiences. It can also be a time of anxiety as new circumstances often require children to use a new level of skill or independence. Research shows that change can be stressful for children and it’s important that parents and nursery staff understand the role they play in supporting children with this significant transition.

At Shalom Children’s Centre’s, Ready for School programme has been specifically created to support your child’s next step on their learning journey, supporting them to develop the resilience skills and confidence to embrace change and be successful at school.

This programme will look at how children react to change and will provide practical advice for parents to ensure that their children are confident and ready for starting school.

The programme will cover:

What changes to expect

How children react to change and how we can help them cope

How to help your child in developing new skills and encouraging independence

Practical considerations to help prepare your child for the big day

Keeping Everyone Safe

“Keeping Everyone Safe” is our number one priority and Centre value. The safety and wellbeing of all of those in our care, our staff and our visitors is of paramount importance. We continuously strive to sustain an environment where everyone takes responsibility for their own safety and for those around them and to embed a strong behavioural safety culture at every level.

We maintain rigorous health and safety practices compliant with the standards laid down by Regulatory Bodies. The Centre conducts comprehensive health and safety checks and routine fire and emergency drills on a regular basis. Qualified First Aiders are present at our nurseries at all times, and our staff teams all are trained in health and safety, child protection and hygiene practice. We are audited for quality and for health and safety regularly – both by internal experts and by external bodies – and take action to effect continuous improvement and the highest standards.

Contact us to find out how you could begin to make a “Difference” in a vulnerable Child's Life.